Terms of Sales

1. Object

1.1 These general conditions govern the rental of a bicycle, concluded between the company TERE MOOREA BIKE, hereinafter referred to as “the Lessor” and the subscriber of the rental contract, hereinafter referred to as “the Renter”. general conditions govern the rental of a bicycle, concluded between the company TERE MOOREA BIKE, hereinafter referred to as “the Lessor” and the subscriber of the rental contract, hereinafter referred to as “the Tenant”.

1.2 Any rental implies the prior acceptance of these general conditions.

1.3 The customer acknowledges having read these general conditions and expressly declares to accept them without reservations.

1.4 The customer has the right to save or edit these general terms and conditions, it being specified that they may be subject to change.

In this case, the applicable general conditions will be those in force:

  • in case of reservation: when the tenant makes his reservation,
  • in the event of immediate availability of the equipment: on the date fixed on the rental contract.

1.5 The customer declares to have full legal capacity allowing him to commit to the contract.

2 – Conditions required to rent

2.1 The lessor reserves the right to subject the rental to the presentation of a document justifying the identity of the tenant, a copy of which may be kept.

2.2 The tenant declares that he is fit for cycling and has no medical contraindications. He agrees not to use the bike beyond his capabilities. The lessor cannot be held responsible for damages due to the incapacity of the lessee.

3 – Reservation

3.1 The lessor will confirm to the customer the acceptance of his reservation by sending a confirmation message to the e-mail address that the latter will have communicated. The rental contract will be concluded only after the signature of both parties.

3.2 The lessor reserves the right to refuse or cancel any reservation:

  • to anyone who does not meet the conditions required to rent,
  • to any person unable to pay the security deposit referred to in the provisions of Article 11 hereof,
  • in case of unavailability of the requested equipment.

3.3 The mentions indicated by the tenant, when entering the information inherent in his reservation commits him.

4 – Cancellation and modification

4.1 The tenant has the right to cancel his reservation under the following conditions: 4.1 The tenant has the right to cancel his reservation under the following conditions:

  • Up to 7 days before the planned taking possession of the equipment: the price paid when booking is fully refunded;
  • Between 2 and 7 days before the planned taking possession of the equipment: the price paid when booking is refunded up to 50%;
  • Less than 2 days before the planned taking possession of the equipment: the price paid when booking is fully retained by the lessor.

4.2 Any refund will be made within a maximum period of 7 days from receipt of the cancellation request.

4.3 The tenant has the right to modify his reservation, free of charge, subject to informing the lessor at least 48 hours before the start of the rental day. The tenant acknowledges in this respect that new rental prices may apply, in particular depending on the date and duration.

5 – Effective date and duration of the contract

5.1 The rental contract takes effect when the equipment is actually made available, after full payment.

5.2 The risks are transferred when the bike and any accessories are handed over to the tenant, who will assume custody of them under his full responsibility.v

5.3 The rental and custody of the equipment ends when all the equipment rented is actually returned to Tere moorea Bike.

6 – Eviction of the lessor

6.1 The rented equipment remains the exclusive property of the lessor.

6.2 The equipment cannot be transferred or given as a guarantee.

7 – Loan and subletting

7.1 The bicycle and any accessories may only be used by the signatory of the contract, who undertakes not to lend them.v

7.2 The subletting of equipment is strictly prohibited.

8 – Price and payment

8.1 The rental rates are displayed on the website www.teremooreabike.com and on the Tere Moorea Bike facebook page and are determined according to the rental period chosen and the options offered.

8.2 The entire service is paid for by the tenant under the following conditions:

  • in the event of immediate availability of the equipment: at the time of the conclusion of the rental contract, – in the event of a reservation: at the time of the reservation.

8.3 The methods of payment accepted are: bank card and cash (Polynesian franc, dollar, euro).

9 – Security deposit

9.1 In all cases, when signing the contract, a security deposit will be requested from the tenant on request. The amount of the security deposit is not cashed on this date. It will only be cashed in the event of a breach of an obligation of these general rental conditions noted when returning the rented equipment. It will only be cashed in the event of a breach of an obligation of these general rental conditions noted when returning the rented equipment. The security deposit will be released at the end of your rental agreement if there are no additional costs.

9.2 It is expressly agreed that the amount of the security deposit in no way constitutes a limit of liability.

10 – Provision

10.1 In the event that there are no bicycles available, the lessor reserves the right to refuse any rental request.

10.2 The lessor cannot be held responsible for any delays in availability or delivery, due to any reason beyond his control or their direct or indirect consequences. He is not liable for any compensation in this respect.

10.3 The tenant acknowledges having been personally invited to check the equipment when it is made available. Any reservations about the condition of the equipment must be indicated on the contract when it is signed. In the absence of reserves, the bicycle and any accessories entrusted to it are deemed to be in perfect working order and maintenance.

11 – Use

11.1 The tenant is required to wear clothing suitable for cycling. Wearing a helmet is strongly recommended by the rental company and is compulsory for children under 12 years old. The lessor declines all responsibility in the event of non-use of the security elements.

11.2 The renter is authorized to use the bicycle freely, provided that he uses it reasonably and in accordance with its intended purpose, which excludes in particular:

  • any use that may endanger the user or third parties,
  • any disassembly or any attempt to disassemble all or part of the bicycle.

11.3 The renter does not use the bicycle for competitions or trials, even on a private circuit.

11.4 The lessee undertakes to use the rented item with care.

11.5 The tenant agrees to scrupulously respect the highway code. It is strictly forbidden to use the bike under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or for illicit purposes.

11.6 In general, the tenant undertakes to comply with all the legal and regulatory obligations in force.

11.7 It is forbidden for the tenant:

  • to modify the cycle and its accessories and/or to carry out repairs,
  • carry a passenger, with the exception of a small child, provided that he is seated in an approved seat.

11.8 When parking the equipment on the public road, the tenant agrees to systematically attach the frame of his bicycle to a fixed support (barrier type), with a lock.

12 – Maintenance

12.1 Costs related to normal wear and tear are the responsibility of the lessor.

12.2 The maintenance of the bicycle is the responsibility of the tenant throughout the duration of the contract. Maintenance means any intervention that does not require the replacement of a part (e.g. tire inflation).

13 – Repair

13.1 In the event of the need for repairs during the rental, the tenant must imperatively:

  • immediately stop using the equipment,
  • notify the lessor immediately (and, in any case, within a maximum of 24 hours),
  • do not carry out repairs on the bike yourself
  • pay for the parts and labor necessary for the repair (excluding repairs related to normal wear and tear).

13.2 Only the lessor is able to judge whether a repair:

  • falls under maintenance due to normal wear and tear of the bike and is therefore the responsibility of the lessor,v
  • or if the repair is due to damage suffered by the equipment during the rental and is therefore the responsibility of the tenant.

13.3 The tenant cannot claim damages for disturbance of enjoyment or immobilization of the bicycle in the event of repair.

14 – Return of the bike

14.1 The bicycle must imperatively be returned by the lessee on the contractual due date. If the tenant wishes to extend the rental, a new contract must be drawn up. Any late return will be invoiced (Half-day rate X number of half-days late).

14.2 The lessee undertakes to return the equipment (bicycle and any accessories) in the same condition as he found it, in good condition and in good working order. In the event of return of equipment in poor condition, the tenant must pay the amount of the repair. For security reasons, the lessee undertakes to inform the lessor of the shocks suffered by the helmets.

15 – Termination

15.1 In the event of non-performance by one of the parties of its contractual obligations, the other party is entitled to terminate the rental contract, at any time, without notice or compensation. v

15.2 The lessee must immediately return the bicycle and any accessories to the lessor, in good condition and in good working order.

15.3 Until it is returned, the customer remains responsible for the equipment in his possession and for his obligations under these terms.

16 – Responsibilities

16.1 The lessee bears the consequences of violations of the highway code or any other regulations in force which are attributable to him and will reimburse the lessor for any costs of this nature that may have been paid in his place and place.

16.2 He is responsible for the damage suffered by the equipment and/or bodily injury or material damage caused during the use of the rented equipment in his custody, resulting from his clumsiness, his negligence, his fault or related to the use improper.

16.3 In the event of theft, a report to the police or gendarmerie must be made by the tenant within 24 hours and the lessor must be notified immediately. If the lessee justifies a complaint, the lessor will draw up an invoice, for an amount equal to the new value of a bicycle with the same technical characteristics, in the name of the lessee, so that he can use his insurance. . The amount will be returned to the renter if the bike is found in good working order, less any repairs. If the tenant does not justify a complaint, the payment equal to the new value of a bicycle with the same technical characteristics will be due immediately. Failing this, the lessor reserves the right to take any legal action, in particular legal proceedings, to obtain payment.

16.4 In the event of theft by the lessee, the lessor reserves the right to file a complaint with the competent authorities and to take any legal action against the lessee, in order to obtain compensation for his damage. v

16.5 The lessor is bound by the guarantee against hidden defects of the rented equipment.

17 – Insurance

17.1 The tenant declares to have taken out individual civil liability insurance, and undertakes to present a certificate on first request.

17.2 This insurance may be engaged in the event of theft, loss, damage and for all damages that the tenant may cause during the use and possession of the bicycle, until the return of the bicycle. here at the rental point.

17.3 The lessor is insured for his professional civil liability with the insurance company: Gan assurances. On simple request, an insurance certificate will be given to the tenant.